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From Julia:

From Lina (massive thanks for this incredibly detailed list!): 

On general degrowth/post-growth/wellbeing economics:

  • Less is More, by Jason Hickel 

  • The Divide, by Jason Hickel (about inequality)

  • Prosperity without Growth, by Tim Jackson

  • Doughnut Economics, by Kate Raworth

  • The Economics of Arrival, by Katherine Trebeck and Jeremy Williams


On wellbeing/human needs:

  • A Theory of Human Needs, by Len Doyal and Ian Gough

  • Human Scale Development, by Manfred Max-Neef (he’s the one who talks about “negative” satisfiers)

  • Development as Freedom, by Amartya Sen



  • How to be an Anti-capitalist in the 21st Century, by Erik Olin Wright: he is a sociologist, and has a very interesting perspective on how to move beyond capitalism (including focusing on wellbeing and democracy). It’s quite accessible, not very academic.



  • Reith Lectures, this series by Mark Carney (ex-governor of the Bank of England): - really interesting perspective on the financial crisis and on how we’ve moved from market economies to market societies (even more interesting coming from a guy who used to run the central bank in the UK!)

  • Ezra Klein: He has had as a guest Marianna Mazzucato, who has a really interesting perspective on value (economic value vs what we value as a society, and how those two things have become confused). He also interviewed Astra Taylor on democracy, which was fascinating.

  • Kate Raworth TED talk:




Interesting initiatives:

  • Wellbeing economy alliance (WEAll)- network of citizens, academics, and governments interested in economics having the goal of prioritizing wellbeing within environmental limits:

  • Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL)- lots of cool on-the-ground initiatives and experiments to live “within the doughnut”:

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