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Genevieve Randazzo is a current senior at The Beacon School. This is her PBA (final project) for her International Political Economy class. Genevieve had to choose a topic relating to politics and the economy and interview three experts about it. She chose degrowth, but these podcast episodes really focus on what she found interesting about each of her interviewees' work! 

Giacomo D'Alisa is a political ecologist and ecological economist and a research fellow at the Centre for Social Studies at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. He researches the impact of economic growth on the environment and human development as well as alternatives for change

Julia Steinberger  is a professor and researcher of ecological economics and industrial ecology at the University of Leeds. She researches the connection between resource and energy use and quality of life. 

Lina Brand Correa is a postdoctoral research fellow at University of Leeds. She focuses on the social aspects of energy use, the relationship between energy use and development, and human well-being.

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